Disinfecting for a Safer Tomorrow


Professional COVID cleaning involves disinfecting and cleaning a space to eliminate or lower the risk of COVID-19 transmission. 
All surfaces, high-touch areas, and objects must be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized, which requires the use of specialized cleaning and disinfecting supplies and machinery. 

In order to ensure the safety of both themselves and others, this type of cleaning service is typically provided by trained and experienced professionals who adhere to strict protocols and guidelines. In a variety of locations, including homes, offices, schools, healthcare facilities, and public spaces, professional COVID cleaning services may be used.

Depending on the particular requirements of the area and the degree of exposure risk to COVID-19, the frequency and range of the cleaning service may change. It is crucial to remember that professional COVID cleaning does not replace other preventive measures like social isolation, mask use, and hand hygiene. To help stop the spread of COVID-19 and make the area safer for those who use it, it is an important part of a comprehensive strategy.



To stop the spread of COVID-19, the following frequently disregarded surfaces should be cleaned and disinfected on a regular basis:

  1. Switchplates and light switches
  2. Cabinet and drawer handles and knobs, as well as door handles
  3. faucets and handles, such as those in kitchens, bathrooms, and other locations where washing hands is practiced
  4. RCs and other portable electronics like cell phones and tablets
  5. Computer mice, keyboards, and other accessories
  6. Cutting boards and other surfaces used for food preparation can be found on countertops.
  7. Especially in public spaces and on staircases with high traffic, handrails and banisters
  8. Including those in waiting rooms and other public areas, chairs’ arms and backs
  9. Touchscreens, like those found on ATMs or payment devices
  10. Pet bowls for food and water, as well as any other objects that animals frequently touch

It’s crucial to remember that this is not a comprehensive list and that other surfaces may need to be cleaned and disinfected depending on the particular environment and level of risk. To ensure that these surfaces are thoroughly sanitized and that any potential COVID-19 transmission is minimized, proper cleaning and disinfection techniques should also be used.


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Cleaning vs. Disinfecting: Understanding the difference

The prevention of COVID-19 and other contagious diseases requires two crucial steps: cleaning and disinfecting. Even though the phrases are frequently used interchangeably, they actually refer to different processes.

Using soap or detergent and water, cleaning is the process of removing dirt, grime, and other particles from surfaces. Wiping, scrubbing, or sweeping can help with both the physical removal of dirt and grime and the reduction of bacteria and germs on surfaces. It is a crucial step in maintaining a clean and healthy environment, even though not all viruses or germs will be completely eradicated.

Disinfecting, on the other hand, involves using chemicals on surfaces to get rid of bacteria, viruses, and other microorganisms. This process is particularly important in locations with a higher risk of infection, such as hospitals, nursing homes, or densely populated public areas. Pathogens that could cause disease or illness are kept from spreading through disinfection.

Keep in mind that both cleaning and disinfecting are essential steps in preventing the spread of COVID-19. While cleaning removes dirt and grime from surfaces, disinfecting helps to get rid of any lingering germs and viruses. Combining them can help create a place that is safer and healthier.

It’s crucial to adhere to the public health authorities’ recommendations for cleaning and disinfecting. Utilizing disinfectants that have been approved by the EPA, donning gloves and safety equipment, and giving the disinfectant enough time to do its job are a few examples of what this entails. It is also important to pay attention to high-touch surfaces, such as doorknobs, light switches, and faucets, which are more likely to harbor germs and viruses.


Why professional Covid cleaning is needed

The need for expert COVID cleaning has several justifications.

  1. Effective surface and area cleaning and disinfection: To effectively clean and disinfect surfaces and areas and stop the spread of the COVID virus, professional cleaning services employ specialized tools, supplies, and methods. Using disinfectants that have been shown to be efficient against COVID-19 and are registered with the EPA is one example of this.
  2. In general, professional COVID cleaning services are more thorough and all-inclusive than regular cleaning services. They concentrate on high-touch regions and surfaces, like door handles, light switches, and countertops, that are frequently missed during routine cleaning.
  3. Reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in high-risk settings like schools, hospitals, and workplaces is possible with professional COVID cleaning. The risk of virus exposure can be reduced by routinely sanitizing and cleaning these areas.
  4. Compliance: In some circumstances, professional COVID cleaning may be required to follow rules or regulations set forth by the local or state governments. To protect staff and clients, some companies or organizations, for instance, may be required to have their facilities cleaned and sanitized on a regular basis.
  5. Peace of mind: Employing a reputable COVID cleaning service can give those who use the space peace of mind. Anxiety can be lessened and a sense of safety and well-being can be enhanced by knowing that the environment has been thoroughly cleaned and disinfected.

Professional COVID cleaning is a crucial step in the fight against the COVID-19 pandemic and can help to make the environment safer and healthier for everyone.