American Bio-Clean

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Covid-19 Vaccine Good or Bad?


Recently, many of the vaccine developers have released their vaccine for the world’s pandemic virus Covid-19. Although some may doubt the reliability of the vaccine, this will help many in the world that are very sick and dealing with the effects of this deadly virus. Some have even called this the mark of the beast, many conspiracy theories are all over the world about this vaccine. Since the release of the vaccine, there have been some people that have had reactions to the vaccine but as of right now nothing is clear on why or what caused the reaction.

According to the Times of Israel website the new vaccine the company, AstraZeneca has developed is 100% effective against the Covid 19 virus and the other variants and mutations that have come out in the past few weeks. There is a lot of hope surrounding this and other vaccines that will slow or eradicate this virus.

With the outlook of more strains of the virus near one must think will this vaccine work? This is what is playing on most people’s minds. Even the CDC tells the public that the Covid pandemic is changing, different strategies are needed to contain and understand this virus and people need to find up to date guidance that is trustworthy.

CDC information on the number of infections, death, and other demographics is posted below so that you can click on the information that we are telling saying and that you can be up to date on what is going on in the United States with this pandemic

American Bio-Clean does not only clean for Covid for their customers but wants them to be safe and secure. That is why we take pride in the things we do for our customers. We are in this pandemic together and knowing that American Bio-Clean is on your side in the fight should and we hope may give you a little peace in this time of need.

Over this devastating year of 2020 we have seen so many people die, restaurants close, and people’s livelihoods disappear. This hope of having a vaccine on the horizon is like the light of hope at the end of the tunnel. We can only hope and pray that the future of this vaccine will help and eradicate the virus and make this country and other countries a better place to live without the need for masks and that we may be able to live our lives in this new “Normal” that our leaders are telling us about.

But for the good of the people of the United States and the world in order for us to lower the curve, we need to listen to the CDC and help with the spread of the virus by using a mask, checking your temperature, and if you are sick stay home from work so that you do not pass this virus to others. This is very dangerous and the changes in the variants of the virus are lurking just around the corner.

Until we do have a cure that is certain for the virus, just know that American Bio-Clean is here for you to sanitize and disinfect your home, and business so has a little hope that we can lean on in this time of need. We are open 24 hours a day 7 days a week so that if need that assurance of peace of mind. But just know if there are any updates to information about viruses, vaccines, and cleaning we will keep you updated, so check back with us, read our blog and the news from the CDC on the or the links to the CDC that we have.

#coronavirus #stayhome #lockdown #fightforcoronavirus #stayhealthy #helptheworld #helpournation #helpyourfamily